Soft Story Retrofitting For Homes In Torrance, Los Angeles, CA
Apartment owners recently been notified by City of Los Angeles regarding a new city code that was signed into effect on 2015. Soft Story building is all required by city of Los Angeles to be retrofitted to support the building weight. Unfortunately, code requirements are forcing homeowners to take action and do the necessary retrofitting required by Los Angeles. In Torrance, CA, there are several buildings that have been identified with Soft Story Foundations and need to be retrofitted.
What is Soft Story Retrofitting?
A soft-story building is a structure which has a weaker first floor and is unable to carry the weight of the stories above during an earthquake. The first floor generally would have large openings in the perimeter walls such as garages, tuck under parking or even large windows.
Soft Story Retrofitting is required by City of Los Angeles, CA. It’s not options for homeowners. Every Soft Story Apartment Building needs additional retrofitting in order to pass inspection and not get fined. Take action and get a free estimate in Torrance today.
Schedule a free estimate
Novel Remodeling provides free in-home estimates for assessing the type of soft-story foundation you have and how to properly retrofit your apartment to withstand the next earthquake and meet city standards. Schedule a free estimate today for your home in Torrance, CA.