Roof Leaks Wont Just Go Away
Living in Los Angeles, I realized two things; Homeowners are always hit with unexpected roof leaks, and when it rains, Los Angeles drivers are even worse than usual. The second topic is not really for this blog, but driving through traffic regularly, and expecting major rain next week it had to be said.
If you are like most, procrastination is a thing in 2019. Most of us will delay the roof leak repair process as much as we can. I am here to tell you it’s necessary, and it must be done immediately before things get worse.
Last week’s rains that cause roof leaks won’t get better if you did not take the time to hire a roofer in Los Angeles to get it repaired. It’s just not going to happen. Roofs don’t tend to fix itself, and leaving it worse can cause further damage to your home.
To most, it’s their nest egg, their savings account, their place to warm up and enjoy a good Netflix binge fest. Let me paint you a picture of how bad things can get it if you leave your leaky roof open during a rainy season, and hope you will do the right thing for yourself and start the repair process.
3 potential urgent reasons to consider repairing your leaky roof
Roof leaks are not projects you want to hold off on. They are not like bathroom or kitchen remodeling which are more for design purposes than anything else. Roof leaks can destroy your attic space, cause health risks to you and your neighbors which can lead to lawsuits for you. Let’s dive right in and explain further.
Destroyed Attic
The only barrier between your ceiling and your roof is your attic and that tends to take the bulk of the damage when your roof fails and starts leaking. If you are like most people, you might notice your ceiling bubbling up, or even forming yellow spots. If you are experiencing a roof leak, I recommend calling us to schedule your free estimate.
NOVEL REMODELING | 855-456-6835 | Serving Los Angeles and nearby
Health Risks
Health risks are often a big factor for homeowners to consider repairing and replacing damaged areas after a leaky roof. Water restoration technicians are required when you have left your roof damaged for more than a month. Mold can form in areas under your roof barrier and in your attic. This mold can turn into black mold and cause health risks to your family members and even neighbors.
Potential Lawsuit
When you noticed a roof leak and mold forming, it is your obligation as a good neighbor to take the necessary steps to repair the damages. If you leave a leaky roof the way it is, and mold starts to form, you are putting your own life in harm’s way and your neighbors too. Mold is a growing organism that can form, mutate and pass through your home into your neighbors. Your neighbors can then hold you liable for any health risk they encounter.
Mold can cause major headaches, respiratory problems, nose and eye irritations among other things. Please take the necessary steps to repair your leaky roof and ensure mold is nowhere near your home.
Local Roofers Los Angeles
Novel Remodeling is your local roofers in Los Angeles offering the best prices for roof repairs and roof replacements. If you need help with your roof, we urge you to contact us immediate. Same Day Appointments, financing options and more!