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Why Interior and Exterior Painting is Important for Homeowners in Los Angeles

Painting Your Home: What it means To Your Neighborhood

As Los Angeles gets denser and denser, so becomes the need for more homes and home prices rising on shortages. It’s important to understand the basics of economy and how that affects homeowners as a driving force in our very own economy. The bulk of our economy in Southern California is driven by real estate transaction.  A newly purchased home can generate revenue for mortgage departments, realtors, remodeling contractors, builders and handymen.

Painting your home when you recently purchase a home or selling a home will help you increase the value of your home, make your home more desirable and your neighborhood more exciting. Here are a 3 ways it helps increase your home’s value.

Exterior Painters: Hide Exterior Home Damages with Paint

There are many ways of adding value to your home, but the best way to add value is by repairing or hiding what is visibly unappealing to most home buyers. First impressions mean a lot for potential home buyers. Whether you’re an investor, or buying your first home; you want something that does not look like its falling apart. In Los Angeles, exterior painting services can help your home look and feel new again.

Homeowners selling should consider a fresh coat of paint and some stucco work if you have a home with stucco to ensure that anyone look at your home knows that it was well taken care of. There is a psychology behind purchasing a home that is freshly painted. The next homeowner at least knows enough that the previous homeowner cared enough about appearance and repairing what looked like it was broken.

Hiring a professional home painters is as simple as hiring a contractor. Schedule a free estimate with a contractor like Novel Remodeling; let us show you samples, design ideas and more to help you get started. We have a huge selection of different interior and exterior paint suppliers that will create a unique blend of colors to make your home stand out in a great way.

Exterior Painters:  Pressure Wash & Cover Dirty Exterior Walls

Another simple but effective way to make your home more appealing is by pressure washing the exterior and then adding two tone colors to your home. Most modern painters use two tone colors as it’s more appealing to the average eye. Whether you’re favorite color is blue, gray, or purple, using light and dark shades of that color will give depth, perception and design to otherwise be an ordinary home.

Now imagine your neighborhood where your neighbors kept their homes clean, freshly painted, and well designed. That will automatically make your neighborhood more attractive to potential buyers. Get involved in your community and hire a contractor together and get better deal. The power of purchasing can extend to contractors and more. Painting a few homes in the neighborhood ensure that everyone gets a great deal on a newly painted home.

Interior Painting & Modern Wall Paper

Interior home painters are just as important as exterior home painters, and here is why. Having a wonderful looking home from the exterior is great, but making your home connects with potential buyers if your selling is crucial. Painting discrete and appropriate colors throughout your home can make your home look and feel modern, exciting and fresh.

Light colors with dark accents do best in most cases. In bedrooms, living rooms, and dens are rooms that are occupied most days. Choose gender neutral theme colors. For bathrooms, and kitchens keep it bright, and yet exotic. Mix and match by hiring a professional interior painter in Los Angeles, and see what they come up with.

Hiring Painters Los Angeles

Looking for home painters in LA? Choose Los Angeles best home remodeler; Novel Remodeling. Fully licensed and insured contractors offering free estimate, low prices, and a new way of remodeling. Financing options available for homeowners today.